Public relations (PR) should be a key focus of any business marketing strategy. When used effectively, PR strategies allow companies to increase brand awareness and build a credible reputation in their industry. As a result, companies can take advantage of new sales opportunities and boost their bottom line. Creating a positive brand image is especially important for niche businesses, as there tends to be high competition in specialist markets.
Many niche businesses rely heavily on digital PR strategies such as social media and other online marketing tactics. To inspire you, here are five ways that niche businesses are gaining natural PR online.
1. Social media
Social media is one of the most powerful tools used in digital marketing. Any company can set up an account on social platforms and start connecting with their target audience. Brands can also use social channels as a way to earn word-of-mouth publicity by encouraging users to share their content online. To get good results from social media marketing, brands should avoid being sales heavy and focusing all their content on promoting their products. A better approach is to use social channels to form meaningful connections with your followers and share relevant content that they will find interesting.
Experts at Gist provide the following marketing tips for success on social media: “Create a social media plan, identify which platforms suit your brand and customers, do market research on your audience, and create engaging content using videos and images.” To maximize your social media results, you must also maintain an active presence on social channels and post quality content. There are dozens of examples of companies using social media to gain natural PR online.
For instance, in response to the COVID-19 crisis, Airbnb posted that they would be providing subsidized housing to over 100,000 COVID-19 responders around the world. This was shared on social platforms, which helped Airbnb gain consumer loyalty and boost its online image.
2. Company blog
Starting a company blog can be another easy way to improve your online image and get exposure for your business. Posting regular blogs gives online users a reason to visit your website. Once they have landed on your site, they are more likely to browse your online store and spend money with your company. Posting high quality, informative articles can also help you become an expert in your niche and build trust with your customers.
For instance, niche payday loan lender Cashlady posts helpful guides on their site offering valuable financial advice and discussing topics relevant to short-term loans and finances. This is an excellent way to earn customer trust and build brand authority. You can make your company blog even more effective by posting articles to your social media channels. Encourage your followers to share the posts with their friends and family to generate even more brand exposure online.
3. Influencers
Connecting with influencers can be another effective way to gain natural PR for your brand. The biggest influencers have a massive presence online with thousands or even millions of followers. If influencers mention your brand or products, then it will instantly boost your online exposure and expand your market reach. This should lead to an increase in sales opportunities and profits. The main advantage of using influencers to promote your products and services is that users trust and value their opinions. Make sure you do your research and partner with influencers who are relevant to your niche. For instance, if you own a skincare company, then try to partner with an influential beauty blogger.
4. Charity work
Getting involved in charity work is a great way to boost your standing in the local community and improve public perception of your brand. Investing in charitable work will help you build trust and attract new customers. Millennials want to spend money with socially responsible brands that have a positive impact.
A recent survey found that an impressive 70% of millennials will spend more with brands that support good causes. Working with a charity will give you the opportunity to make a real positive difference in your surrounding community. There is a massive variety of different charities to support. You must consider the options carefully and work alongside a charity that is suited to your business and core values. A good example of a company using charitable marketing is the Stella Artois’ “Buy a Lady a Drink” campaign. This campaign involves Stella Artois providing clean drinking water to women in third-world countries.
5. Awards
Winning a company award can also be an excellent way to get publicity for your business. Sharing that you have won an award will improve the credentials of your brand and help to differentiate you from similar companies in your niche. Awards are a visible way of demonstrating your expertise and the high standards of your service. Having multiple awards displayed on your company site is a reliable way to achieve a high brand value and boost your brand reputation.
On top of this, award ceremonies are often covered by the local press. The best part is that many awards are free to enter and you can apply for as many as you like. Do your research and look for competitions and awards that are relevant to your specialism. It is also a good idea to look for competitions that will have high press coverage. There is a good selection of articles offering advice on how to boost your company’s creditability through awards.
Starting a niche company can offer several advantages including the opportunity to turn your passion into a business and become a leader in your chosen field. However, you must focus on your brand image and develop a strong PR strategy that will increase exposure and build trust with your intended customers. Digital PR strategies can be extremely effective and help specialist companies achieve their business goals and objectives. Use the above techniques to boost your marketing efforts and earn natural online PR for your company.