Music Event Bootstrap HTML Template
Reload Music Event Bootstrap HTML Template is a flat clean modern and stylish bootstrap theme suitable for small types of businesses such as music, entertainment, events and many others. The template is fully responsive and mobile ready. It has the ability to function faultlessly on all types of browsers and modern devices and adapts suitably on small, big or wide screen resolutions.This template is built using latest Bootstrap framework with html5 and css3 which is very easy to customise. Download for free.
Key features
Bootstrap v3.3.5
HTML5 Media Player
Clean & Developer-friendly HTML5 and CSS3 code
100% Responsive Layout Design
One Page
Multipurpose theme
Google Fonts Support
Font Awesome
Smooth Scrolling
Fully Customizable
Contact Form
Responsive Design
Responsive design is a technique that enables websites to change their layout and content based on the different type of devices. All our templates are fully responsive and compatabile with all major de, ices like Mobile, Tabs, Tablet, Desktop and Laptop.
Our License
Kindly please contact us if there are any Issues with our Web Templates.
All our templates are copyright to The WebThemez. These templates are designed for personal and commercial use only and may not be resold or redistributed under any circumstances. For more information please visit our license policy