Business Bootstrap Website Template
Acura Business Bootstrap Website Template, this is a clean and modern HTML5 based template for all kinds of Corporate business, Agency, Consultation, Organisations and many more. This template is built using latest Bootstrap 3.3.1 with HTML5 and css3 which easy to customize the theme as per the requirements. This template designed with height quality standards to meet the latest requirement and it is a responsive template fits in all devices with multi browser support.
Key features
Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.0
Clean & Developer-friendly HTML5 and CSS3 code
100% Responsive Layout Design
Multipurpose theme
Google Fonts Support
Font Awesome
Gallery Section Lightbox
Smooth Scrolling
Full Customization
Camera Carousal
Working Contact Form
Responsive Design
Points of interest of responsive web design when the client can uoubtedly read and explore your site with no ease of UI issues. A site is not a responsive will confront an ease of use issues such as navigation and reading the content. Be that as it may, WebThemez ensure we have 100% responsive web templates which are compatibility to across all the devices.
Our License
Kindly please contact us if there are any Issues with our Web Templates.
All our templates are copyright to The WebThemez. These templates are designed for personal and commercial use only and may not be resold or redistributed under any circumstances. For more information please visit our license policy