Many prominent web hosting providers that are currently known to you began as resellers from other larger web hosting companies. Some of them have expanded their modest reseller hosting businesses into major web hosting empires that employ clustered servers.
Reseller hosting is perfect for establishing a web-hosting company and building it into a successful enterprise. With the web hosting income you make, you can reinvest part of the money and continuesly grow your business.
Why reseller hosting?
The large amount of control you get as a reseller is the main distinction between reseller hosting and the other hosting types on the market.
Reseller hosting allows you to host numerous separate websites, create your own web hosting packages with distinctive, largely independent control panels, and charge your clients for using your web hosting space.
If you are thinking about starting your own reseller hosting business, continue to read this guide, where we will provide information about everything you need to know regarding reseller hosting.
Private name servers
An individual reseller hosting account functions like a server. For it, you are able to establish a personalized name server using your own domain name. Private nameservers use your domain instead of the name of your web hosting company. All you need to do is access your hosting control panel and look for the nameservers. Having a personalized nameserver can help you support and market your hosting company.
Custom hosting packages
Reseller hosting enables you to create your own unique packages that you can sell to your clients. Depending on the packages selected in your Web Host Manager, you can restrict resource utilization. You can set the maximum number of subdomains a client will be able to use, the maximum bandwidth, and any other relevant preferences.
Full support
Full support is provided at no additional cost to all clients that use reseller hosting. The primary hosting company takes care of all issues on the server, addresses customer concerns, and provides expert solutions. If the host has great customer service, they will provide the same support for your customers, and you will just be the middleman in the process.
Convenient upgrade
Reseller accounts are simply upgradeable and adaptable to offer additional resource availability, such as bandwidth and allocated disk space. So if your business takes off, you can easily purchase more resources.
Easy setup and launch
Setting up a reseller hosting account can be extremely easy you can do it quite fast. Users can manage their servers and hosted services with the Control Panel, which is multilingual and takes care of complex tasks with tools like one-click deployment, mail server support, and automated alerts.
Ability to resell the resources
The ability to resell your web hosting services is undoubtedly one of a reseller’s most appealing advantages. Using your reseller plan, you can generate some income for yourself while providing small businesses with web hosting services that don’t consume a lot of resources. You only need to purchase your new domain names after your reseller hosting program is up and running. With your domains, you can host many sites on your reseller account.
Final words
You must determine whether you really need reseller hosting since there are also other alternatives to reseller hosting if you are not planning to sell the resources from the plan. You can also consider choosing a shared website hosting to host your website. In that situation, all you need to do is buy shared hosting for each website you create.
If the shared hosting plan has add-on services, you can use them to host numerous websites, hence every domain uses the hosting plan’s resources with no additional costs.