Free Travel Website Template
Traveller – is a simple, modern Free Travel Website Template especially for travel company. It comes with package, Price table, Gallery, About us section and Carousel banner. The site has been designed for travel agency, tour operator, travel blog and well suited to any business.Highly Responsive website give compatibility to all the latest devices. It’s prefect to browse your website on any devices. Userd all latest technology HTML5 CSS3, jQuery and bootstrap.
Key features
Twitter Bootstrap
100% Responsive Layout Design
Multipurpose theme
Google Fonts
Single Page Template
Font Awesome icons
Google Web Fonts
Valid HTML
Clean, flat & crisp design
Free Website Templates
All our templates for both personal and commercial projects. You are NOT allowed to remove the back-link to WebThemez.com in templates unless you purchased a license. You can update /modify/customize the website to fit your project needs. You cannot claim credit or ownership for any of the files found on webthemez.com. You cannot redistribute, resell, license, or sub-license any of the files found on webthemez.com.