Flat Bootstrap HTML5 Template
Team Business flat Bootstrap html5 template Web Template is a clean multi purpose HTML5 out of the box template fits to any kind of requirments like business, consultancy, portfolio, agency, real estate, interior designer, and many more. This template designed with height quality standards to meet the latest requirment. This is a highly responsive web template fits in all devices with multi browser support. This template is built on top of Bootstrap html5 css3 which give flexibilty to customeise the theme easly as per the user requirements.
Key features
Twitter Bootstrap 3+
100% Responsive Layout Design
Multipurpose theme
Google Fonts Support
Single Page Template
Font Awesome icons
Google Web Fonts
Valid HTML
Clean, flat & crisp design
Working Contact Form
Free Website License
You can use our templates for both personal and commercial projects. You are NOT allowed to remove the back-link to WebThemez.com in templates unless you purchased a license. You can update /modify/customize the website to fit your project needs. You cannot claim credit or ownership for any of the files found on webthemez.com. You cannot redistribute, resell, license, or sub-license any of the files found on webthemez.com.