Coming Soon Landing Page Template
Vento – Coming Soon Landing Page Template is a easy Customizable Coming Soon Page. easy to change background images, the background image fits any kind of device automatically with jquery plugin, also comes with a countdown timer and displays perfectly on all modern browsers and devices. This template has a eleignat look and feel with modern touch. This landing page is perefect fit for showcasing your upcoming web projet or app application. Download this responsive design landing page for free now!!
Key features
Responsive Website
Twitter Bootstrap 3.1.1
Valid HTML5 & CSS3
FontAwesome Icons
Pricing Table
Contact Form
Latest Bootstrap Framework
The last few years Bootstrap becomes the first choice as a frontend framework.
Bootstrap was introduced by Twitter. Bootstrap is responsive, mobile-first, prevailing, and front-end framework, which is developed along with CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.
Bootstrap has many benefits from scratch for every web development project, and one such reason is the huge number of resources accessible for Bootstrap. If you as a web designer or web developer are new to Bootstrap, we have put forward some of the 10 best reasons that will help in using Bootstrap for remarkable web designs.
Easy to start, Responsiveness, Awesome Grid System, Speeds up the Development Process, Easy to Customizable Bootstrap framework, a Huge bunch of JavaScript components and you can get a number of bootstrap themes.