Today, web development is a lucrative endeavor. If you are trying to become an entrepreneur or just want to scale up in your current job, it can become quite instrumental. It is not difficult to become a web developer if you know what to do and how. What do you need to become a web developer is some diligence, interest and a whole lot of practice. The process may seem daunting, though, with the following ways you will end up adding the skill to your resume:
1. Going for formal education
If you have access to higher education, you can choose to get a degree in Computer Science or Design. It may seem difficult and unnecessary, but a good university that relies on practical training makes it easier. Writing papers is also now easier owing to the availability of online tools like PaperLeaf, but it doesn’t really contribute to your growth as a professional. A degree helps you to understand the basics as well as the overall objective of web development. A degree in Computer Science is highly instrumental and opens new possibilities of employment.
2. Using boot camps like Codeacademy
In case you do not seek to go to school, then there are plenty of boot camps available online. Get enrolled in the requisite courses online on Codeacademy or Udemy. You will be able to attain the necessary skills to become a web developer in a comfortable environment.
3. Choose your niche
There are many aspects of web development aside with the basic principle on how to make a website. Web development involves interface design, mobile application development, or front-end, back-end and full stack development. Instead of trying to master every aspect, start with one. This way you will be able to develop an outlook for the process and scale up in a well-informed manner.
4. Create a Github profile
While learning the ropes of web development, practicing along is imperative. Creating an account on Github will not only help you to practice but will also make your hard work public. This way you get a profile to share with your potential employers. Github works as a platform to showcase your learnings throughout the process and their results efficiently.
5. Get some contracts
While you learn and practice on Github, there is another way to practice your hard-earned skills. There are many small entrepreneurs and other business owners who look for cheap services for their website requirements. Once you get better and more thorough with your work, you can take up these contracts as a professional. This will give you a proper channel for practicing and also help you earn some extra money. Moreover, you will also be able to showcase the process on your resume.